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208 869-1199


At Collins Brothers Painting, we've done our best to create a Web site that anticipates and satisfies our customers' needs. With that goal in mind, we've compiled a list of frequently asked questions. If you do not find an answer to your question here, contact us at 208 869-1199 or

Question: What is your warranty?
Answer: We offer a 2 year Guarantee on materials and workmanship
Kwal-Howell extends for 3 additional years.

Question: Do I have to put any money down before you start?
Answer: We ask for half at the time we start work and the balance due upon completion.

Question: Latex or Oil based Paint, what are the advantages of each?
Answer: Any more the latex paints are the only way to go unless you have rusty metals or wrought iron.  Then a DTM oil base enamel would be the better choice.

Question: How do I request a bid for painting my House or Business?
Answer: Just click on this link and fill out the form and we will contact you. or you can call the number at the top of this page.

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