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208 869-1199


Below is an overview of the services and solutions Collins Brothers Painting provides. At Collins Brothers Painting, we have been serving Idaho since 1990 and aim to provide the same convenient, quality service that has made us a leader in the painting industry.

If at anytime, while you are browsing through our services section, you have a question related to any of our services don't hesitate to call us at 208 869-1199 or send us an e-mail at

"Painting is a smart and educated maintenance decision"

Paint serves two functions, the first is protection. A good paint coating will keep sun and moisture away from the surface. The second purpose of paint is to beautify by giving the desired color and finish. It is our job to properly prepare the surface and apply the paint in order to provide both protection and beauty.

"Surface preparation is 90% of a paint job"

Collins Brothers Painting will scrape off the loose paint, caulk where needed, prime and then paint. It is absolutely critical that the preliminary tasks are thoroughly performed. This ensures the longest lasting paint job possible. That's why we call ourselves the "complete painting service."

"Interior Painting"

1. We will wash all areas that may cause adhesion problems.
2. We will caulk and putty where ever necessary.
3. We will perform minor drywall repairs.
4. We will prime bare wood, drywall and stains.
5. We will mask and protect floors, furniture and belongings.
6. We will scrape and sand as necessary.
7. We will apply top quality interior paint.

"Exterior Painting"

1. We will power wash all surfaces to be painted.
2. We will scrape all loose paint.
3. We will caulk where needed.
4. We will prime all bare substrate and water stains.
5. We will cover anything not to be painted.
6. We will apply 100% latex paint.
7. We will do daily clean up of site.

Collins Brothers Painting gives attention to detail, giving you a quality, professional job that you deserve. We protect your valuable non painted surfaces, your carpet, flooring and furniture.

"Excellent craftsmanship"

Great preparation by itself is insufficient. A company must also have knowledgeable and experienced painters. Our painters are at the top of their trade and skilled in all aspects of painting. They are full-time year round painters. We are able to get the job done on time while also providing a professional finish that will preserve and beautify your home.

At Collins Brothers Painting we have the right tools for the right job. Why go through the hassle, the time consuming, tiring work, when we can do it for you? What paint will you use? What color? Flat, eggshell, or semi gloss? Latex or oil base? These can be difficult questions. We will gladly discuss different paints, their brands and types with you. We will answer questions, and help you decide all for FREE!

We strive to make all of our customers happy! We will gladly give you a list of references of satisfied customers for you to check.

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